Monday 3 April 2017

Cesar Chavez: Individuals Who Have Died for Justice

Screenshot from one of my four Debian GNU/Linux desktops. Anticlockwise from top right: operations clocks (green for the local civil time, red for UTC); burial place of a Vorkuta-region prisoner (the name "Schmidt Karl", or  Шмид Карл, suggests an individual of German extraction); barrack ruins at Auschwitz-Birkenau; burial place of a Vorkuta prisoner; perimeter controls at the Perm-36 labour camp, familiar to Andropov-era Estonian "politicals"; two Debian GNU/Linux /usr/bin/xterm, or "glass teletype", windows, judiciously configured to display extracts from my private flat-ASCII casenotes on a book I have yet to examine, Herbert Hoover's Freedom Betrayed, as reviewed by a Swiss-resident American software engineer at - The three gulag photos are from The Holocaust photo is from - As always in blogger, the graphic may be enlarged, if desired, with a left mouse-click. 

A 2017 Lenten Booklet from the Diocese of Saginaw ( quotes activist Cesar Chavez in its reflection for 2017-03-31:

Let us remember those who have died for justice: 
For they have given us life. 

[This is the end of the present blog posting. Longer, more substantive postings, including postings on a topic in the analytical philosophy of perception and agency, are anticipated from 2017-05-01 onward, as I complete my move to new living accommodations.] 

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